
Edwin Austin Abbey paintings

Edwin Austin Abbey paintings
Edward Hopper paintings
Edgar Degas paintings
Emile Munier paintings
Heidi went up to the basket and broke out into expressions of delight.
"Oh, the sweet little things! the darling kittens," she kept on saying, as she jumped from side to side of the basket so as, not to lose any of the droll gambols of the seven or eight little kittens that were scrambling and rolling and falling over one another.
"Would you like to have one?" said the old man, who enjoyed watching the child's pleasure.
"For myself to keep?" said Heidi excitedly, who could hardly believe such happiness was to be hers.
"Yes, of course, more than one if you like -- in short, you can take away the whole lot if you have room for them," for the old man was only too glad to think he could get rid of his kittens without more trouble.
Heidi could hardly contain herself for joy. There would be plenty of room for them in the large house, and then how astonished and delighted Clara would be when she saw the sweet little kittens.
