
Martin Johnson Heade paintings

Martin Johnson Heade paintings
Nancy O'Toole paintings
Homais was enjoying himself. Although he was even more intoxicated with the luxury than the rich fare, the Pommard wine all the same rather excited his faculties; and when the omelette au rhum
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1 appeared, he began propounding immoral theories about women. What seduced him above all else was chic. He admired an elegant toilette in a well-furnished apartment, and as to bodily qualities, he didn’t dislike a young girl.
Léon watched the clock in despair. The druggist went on drinking, eating, and talking.
“You must be very lonely,” he said suddenly, “here at Rouen. To be sure your lady-love doesn’t live far away.”
And the other blushed—
“Come now, be frank. Can you deny that at Yonville—”
The young man stammered something.
