
Pablo Picasso Card Player painting

Pablo Picasso Card Player painting
Tamara de Lempicka Self Portrait in Green Bugatti painting
separated from the northern Musgraves some time in the sixteenth century and had established itself in western Sussex, where the Manor House of Hurlstone is perhaps the oldest inhabited building in the county. Something of his birth-place seemed to cling to the man, and I never looked at his pale, keen face or the poise of his head without associating him with gray archways and mullioned windows and all the venerable wreckage of a feudal keep. Once or twice we drifted into talk, and I can remember that more than once he expressed a keen interest in my methods of observation and inference.
"For four years I had seen nothing of him until one morning he walked into my room in Montague Street. He had changed little, was dressed like a young man of fashion -- he was always a bit of a dandy -- and preserved the same quiet, suave manner which had formerly distinguished him. ""How has all gone with you, Musgrave?" I asked after we had cordially shaken hands.
