
Bartolome Esteban Murillo paintings

Bartolome Esteban Murillo paintings
Berthe Morisot paintings

Before you give up on losing the belly fat that's still lingering months after the birth of your baby—wait. You may need abdominal moves that better target the real cause of your pooching tummy, says Julie Tupler, R.N., a childbirth educator and certified fitness trainer. Her new book, Lose Your Mummy Tummy, details her belly-flattening program.
During pregnancy, your expanding uterus pushes apart the vertical abdominal muscles and weakens the thin band of tissue that connects them. After delivery, the separation may not completely close, allowing the internal organs to bulge. Over time, this can lead to poor posture and lower-back pain. Traditional ab exercises may not help if they don't target the deeper, horizontal layer of muscle, which is what helps pull the vertical muscles together, says Tupler.To reunite the separated halves, Tupler recommends that new moms who have their doctor's okay start these daily exercises within 24 hours of giving birth. You'll see less pooch in as little as six weeks.Elevators
