
Guan zeju Reflecting painting

Guan zeju Reflecting painting
childe hassam Poppies Isles of Shoals painting
We're talking bounces if anything, not a rally," said Richard Dickson, a technical analyst with Scott & Stringfellow. "It's going to take a long time, in my opinion, to repair the psychological damage that is being done and has been done to tech stocks." That's not to say the stock averages won't move higher during the four remaining trading days in 2000, when low volume of trading around the holidays can exaggerate gains or losses.It just means that short of a miracle, 2000 is slated to be the worst-ever year for the 29-year-old Nasdaq composite index. The technology-focused gauge is down more than 50 percent from its high for the year.The Dow Jones industrials, down 13 percent from its year-high, and S&P 500, off more than 18 percent, are also suffering.
