
Edmund Blair Leighton Edmund Blair Leighton Off painting

Edmund Blair Leighton Edmund Blair Leighton Off paintingFrancois Boucher The Marquise de Pompadour paintingFrancois Boucher Nude on a Sofa painting
so could re-place it! Things had to be lost before they could be found, broken before they could be fixed, infirm before they could be well, opaque before they could be clear -- in short, failed before they could be passed! True, I could not at once discern how this remarkable insight quite applied to Ending the Boundary Dispute, which I'd not begun; nor had I truly "fixed" the Clock I'd broken, for example, or seen to my satisfaction through My Ladyship -- but these doubts were nothing, shadows cast by the very brilliance of my illumination; I ignored them. Failurewas Passage! No past fiasco, no present triumph; the spring made possible the fall!
"Well, hum," Mother said, going to the console. "Founder's Scroll, is it? Is that the title?"
"Yes'm.Founder's Scroll."
Still flustered by my kiss, she fiddled with her hairpins and the switches of the CACAFILE. ". . .o-l-l,"she murmured, pressing buttons. "Who did you say the author was, dear?"
I hesitated. "The Founder."
She did not: ". . .n-d-e-r.No first name?"
"Just one name, Mother."
The CACAFILE seemed to purr at her touch. "Please step into the next room," she
