
Edwin Lord Weeks paintings

Edwin Lord Weeks paintings
Frida Kahlo paintings
Frederick Carl Frieseke paintings
considerableresourcefulness ,and elements of the military -- the New Tammany ROTC -- had long since instructed it to advise them how they might best defend it (and its bailiwick) against all adversaries. Under the pretext therefore of developing a more efficient means of communicating with its extremities, the creature disclosed one day to Max Spielman that a certain sort of energy given off during its normal activity -- what Max called "brainwaves" -- was theoretically capable of being intensified almost limitlessly, at the same amplitudes and frequencies as human "brainwaves," like a searchlight over tremendous spaces. The military-application was obvious: in great secret the brute and its handlers perfected a technique they called Electroencephalic Amplification and Transmission -- "The better," Professor-General Hector had warned the Bonifacists, "to EAT you with."
"It was an awful race we were in," Max said unhappily. "The WESCAC doesn't just live in NTC, you know: there's some WESCAC in the head of every student that ever was
