
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Princesse Albert de Broglie painting

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Princesse Albert de Broglie paintingJean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres The Source paintingJean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres Venus Anadyomene painting
Five years later, on Julia's birthday, Augustus asked Livia suddenly: "How big is the island?"
"Which island?" asked Livia.
"The island… where an unlucky woman is living."
"Oh, a few minutes' walk from end to end, I believe," Livia said with affected carelessness.
"A few minutes’ walk! Are you joking?" He had thought of her as an exile on some big island, like Cyprus or Lesbos or Corfu. After a while he asked: "What is it called?"
"It's called Pandataria!"
"What? My God, that desolate place? O cruel Five years on Pandataria!"
Livia looked at him severely and said: "I suppose you want her back here at Rome?"
Augustus then went over to the map of Italy, engraved on a thin sheet of gold studded with small jewels to mark the cities, which hung on the wall of the room in which they were. He was unable to speak, but pointed to Reggio, a pleasant Greek town on the straits of Messina.
