
Edward Hopper Portrait of Orleans painting

Edward Hopper Portrait of Orleans paintingEdward Hopper Pont du Carrousel in the Fog paintingEdward Hopper Painter and Model painting
unto Khalid who had been a carrier of water before, and now bore greater weights: "Go thou and cleanse that place." So Khalid with a force of men descended upon the temple, for Mahound was loth to enter the city while such abominations stood at its gates.
When the guardian of the temple, who was of the tribe of Shark, saw the approach of Khalid with a great host of warriors, he took up his sword and went to the idol of the goddess. After making his final prayers he hung his sword about her neck, saying, "If thou be truly a goddess, Uzza, defend thyself and thy servant against the coming of Mahound." Then Khalid entered the temple, and when the goddess did not move the guardian said, "Now verily do I know that the God of Mahound is the true God, and this stone but a stone." Then Khalid broke the temple and the idol and returned to Mahound in his tent
