
John Collier A Devonshire Orchard

John Collier A Devonshire OrchardCao Yong Red UmbrellaCao Yong GARDEN BEAUTIESCao Yong Freedom
they trotted smartly through the doorway.
"Hey," said Twoflower, as they hurried down the corridor outside, "where" (as they stopped in front of another door) "is my" (as they dragged the door open) "Luggage?" He landed in a heap of what might once have been straw.
"Good fighters, are they?"
"So in return for all this...?"
"You will wed me and become Lord of the Wyrmberg."
There was a long pause. Hrun's eyebrows twisted themselves in unaccustomed calculation.The door banged shut, its echoes punctuated by the sound of bolts being slammed Home.In the other cell Hrun had barely blinked."Okay," he said, "what is the second test?""You must kill my two brothers." Hrun considered this."Both at the same time, or one after the other?" he said."Consecutively or concurrently," she assured him"What?""Just kill them," she said sharply
