
Daniel Ridgway Knight paintings

Daniel Ridgway Knight paintings
Eric Wallis paintings
award, turned out to be an old girlfriend of his. Her name is Danielle Spencer, and, according to the Crowe-endorsed fan site Maximumcrowe.com, they dated for four years. Crowe starred with Spencer in The Crossing (coincidentally, the film's about a love triangle, and Spencer's character's name is Meg). Julia Breaks the RulesAs for the length of Julia Roberts' exuberant, defy-the-orchestra, Cuba Gooding Jr.-like speech, ET told the somewhat-abashed Best Actress winner that it clocked in at three minutes, 47 seconds. Keeping It ShortThe Academy's suggested speech length this year was 45 seconds. Not only did Dutch animator Michael Dudok de Wit make it in under that time length, but his speech lasted a mere 15 seconds. He should know about keeping it short: He won in the Best Short Film — Animated category.
