Edgar Degas Ballet Rehearsal painting
Edgar Degas Absinthe painting
Frida Kahlo The Broken Column painting
female with personal trainer at gym6.The Wrong Program.
For a wide range of reasons thousands and thousands of people are currently following a program which is less than ideal, if not completely inappropriate for them.
Go into virtually any gym and you’ll see dozens of people (with different bodies, goals and needs) all following essentially the same ‘generic’ program. This is called laziness, ignorance, lack of professionalism and I-don’t-really-care, on the part of the instructors who set those programs. If your program wasn’t designed specifically for you (by someone who knows their stuff), then it’s not the best strategy for you.
That’s not to say that your program is not of any value but why settle for okay, when you can have ideal. Your program should be designed specific to your age, goals, body type, current level of fitness, training history, medical conditions and injuries. If you found your current training program on page seventy two of Buffed and Ripped, then you ain’t doing yourself any favours. Same goes if you got your program from your cousin Guido the panel beater who came second in that bodybuilding
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