
Francisco de Goya Nude Maja painting

Francisco de Goya Nude Maja paintingchilde hassam Wayside Inn Sudbury Massachusetts paintingEdgar Degas Four Dancers painting
Ralph? Yeah. Hello. What’s trouble?” For there was something wrong with his voice. Drunk, I reckon, he thought.
“Jay? Can you hear me all right? I said, ‘Can you hear me all right,’ Jay?”
Crying too, sounds like. “Sure, I can hear you. What’s the matter?” Paw, he thought suddenly. I bet it’s Paw; and he thought of his father and his mother and was filled with cold sad darkness.
“Hit’s Paw, Jay,” said Ralph, his voice going so rotten with tears that his brother pulled the receiver a little away, his mouth contracting with disgust. “I know I got aringin y’up this hour night but I know too you’d never a forgive me if ...”
“Quit it, Ralph,” he said sharply. “Cut that out and tell me about it.”
“Hit’s only my duty, Jay, God Almighty I ...”
“All right, Ralph,” he said, “I preciate your callin. Now tell me about Paw.”
“I just got back fer this, Jay, this minute, hurried specially to ring you up ... Course I’m agoan right back, you ...”
“Listen, Ralph. Listen here. Can you hear me?” Ralph was silent. “Is he dead or alive?”
