
Unknown Artist heda Still Life painting

Unknown Artist heda Still Life paintingJohn William Waterhouse Destiny 1900 paintingJohn William Waterhouse The Siren painting
make the world a better place? Nosireebob! Don’t ever stop trying to do good things! Even if the world is already a good place, we can always find and satisfaction in trying to do good, in trying to make people’s lives better.
But what about all the evil and suffering in the world? Should we accept and love that as well? That’s the toughest part, I think. It’s hard to accept that people are dying of diseases and famine and war and murder and abuse, and perhaps impossible to love that aspect of the world. You don’t have to love it, but it helps to try to really understand it. Why does this happen? What are the deeper reasons? At the hear of the deepest reasons is humanity — we are all flawed creatures in some way, and that’s what makes us human and beautiful.
Why would someone commit violence, for example? Because they are evil? There are numerous reasons, but at the heart of it is probably that this person was hurt, abandoned, abused, or neglected in some way, at some point in his. That person needs our compassion more than anyone. And if we try to understand this person, or understand the heart of any violence in the world, then we can better apply the love and compassion that’s need to heal this pain and make the world a better place.
