
Thomas Kinkade The Garden of Prayer painting

Thomas Kinkade The Garden of Prayer paintingThomas Kinkade Lombard Street painting
give. It need not be said that I refused to listen. The Men of Minas Tirith are true to their word.' But what he thought that the Lady had offered him Boromir did not tell.And as for Frodo, he would not speak, though Boromir pressed him with questions. `She held you long in her gaze, Ring-bearer,' he said.`Yes,' said Frodo; `but whatever came into my mind then I will keep there.'`Well, have a care! ' said Boromir. `I do not feel too sure of this Elvish Lady
Thomas Kinkade Lakeside Manor paintingThomas Kinkade cottage by the sea painting
ended lamely.All of them, it seemed, had fared alike: each had felt that he was offered a choice between a shadow full of fear that lay ahead, and something that he greatly desired: clear before his mind it lay, and to get it he had only to turn aside from the road and leave the Quest and the war against Sauron to others.`And it seemed to me, too,' said Gimli, `that my choice would remain secret and known only to myself.''To me it seemed exceedingly strange,' said Boromir. `Maybe it was only a test, and she thought to read our thoughts for her own good purpose; but almost I should have said that she was tempting us, and offering what she pretended to have the power to and her purposes.'`Speak no evil of the Lady Galadriel! ' said Aragorn sternly. 'You know not what you say. There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself. Then let him beware! But tonight I shall sleep without fear for the first time since I left Rivendell. And may I sleep deep, and forget for a while
